From The Hangar To The Sky – Air Bound Business Ideas

in Business

Flying is a popular hobby for many. For others, flight is their life, knowing that airplanes have a long history. Soaring above the ground and getting that all-important bird’s eye view is certainly a fantastic experience. There are many careers that involve light aircraft and even unmanned drones. How can you turn them into your own business?

From the hangar

If you have the right certification, experience, and qualifications to maintain aircraft, you might make a viable business from it. Pilots rarely take on their own mechanical or avionics work. Instead, they hire technicians and engineers to keep their aircraft safe and operational. Many of these people come from a military background, but you can train to maintain aircraft privately too.

Once you’re ready to start work, you’ll need somewhere to do your work. You might rent a space at a regional airport, or you might buy and build an Armstrong Steel hangar instead. This gives you the space you need to house aircraft of different sizes while you’re working on them. If you have a hangar, you could also rent out the space, or use it for other business purposes too. Check with your local aviation authority to determine flight restrictions in your area.

Business ideas

You don’t have to be a maintainer to start up a viable business from your hangar. You might be involved in aerial photography. Light aircraft and unmanned drones are ideal for this hobby. If you can provide the kit, the training, and even pilot the aircraft, you might be in high demand. Surveyors, film production companies, and artists often require aerial shots for their projects or work.


Experience days are wonderful gifts to give to your family and friends. Some of the most popular experience days involve flight. If you’re insured and licensed, this could become another important revenue stream for your business. You might even provide flying lessons if you are a good instructor.

Hangars also make great spaces for functions and events. Local enthusiasts are always looking for large spaces like this. They need places to gather and display their collections and memorabilia. As they have high roofs, you can even install indoor obstacle courses, bouncy castles, and market stalls as part of the event. There are plenty of different ideas that you might be keen to exploit.

Up in the air

Any business that is involved with flight may have quite large operating and overhead costs. There may be lots of licenses and certification required. Is it all worth it? If flight is your passion, chances are you already have many of the qualifications under your belt. Turning those into a profitable business might help you reap back your original outlay here.

Whether you prefer to work on the aircraft or in the air, there are many different lines of work available here. Unmanned aircraft seem to be ‘taking off’ at the moment. Stricter rules and regulations are due to come into force. Many businesses and private clients will be looking for professional operators and companies that can manage their aerial requirements legally. Could that be you?

Image Credits: Pixabay,

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