Here’s How to Get the Right IT Job for You

in Business

Since the 1990s, the number of internet users continues to grow rapidly, causing revolution in technology. Job portals have an abundance of IT jobs in the market. Social media is starting to dictate changes in the IT industry.

If you are still in high school, you may be reading about IT influencers like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Steve Jobs.

Does their success tempt you to join the field of IT? After all, who wouldn’t want to be paid well in an industry that has unlimited opportunities?

But remember what they say, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

So now is the best time to find out if the best IT jobs suit you.

Find out Your DISC profile

Taking the DISC profiling test will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.

Job hunters for Fortune 500 companies still require applicants to take the DISC test to confirm a job match.

The test will score you in four areas, as given below.

  • “D” for Dominance (Leader)
  • “I” for Influence (Charmer)
  • “S’ for Steadiness (Peacekeeper)
  • “C” for Conscientiousness (Thinker)

From their analysis and experience, people dominant in the “D” trait are the entrepreneurs and CEOs. Those with strong “I” will be suitable for sales and marketing jobs. People with high “S” are usually working in service industries like social work and the medical field.

Technical people are dominant in “C.” By nature, they are analytical, reserved, precise, private, and systematic. Aside from software experts, they can be engineers, analysts, data scientists, and actuaries.

Also, check your score in the other three traits. Combined with your most dominant strength, these areas have the potential for growth.

For example, a dominant “C” with a high “I” ranking can use their IT skills to specialize in social media marketing.

Doesn’t this help understand yourself better?

Scan Available IT Jobs

Go through job portals for the best IT jobs available in the market. Take note of the job descriptions and pinpoint the mandatory skills.

Aside from the technical requirements, observe the soft skills required. These could fall under categories like leadership, teamwork, communication, problem-solving, work ethic, flexibility/adaptability, and interpersonal skills.

Find practical ways to develop these soft skills. These can later be strengths that will set you apart from the rest of the techie job applicants.

Take a Free Online Course

Explore the IT courses offered by Codecademy, HackerRank, and Udemy.

Choose those that offer hands-on exercises to assess your skills and interests. You can learn at your own speed while making new friends from discussion boards and forums.

Do you enjoy the exercises? Can you work for hours and feel fulfilled afterward?

Are you willing to start your project? Take advantage of tools that are on a 30-day free trial.

Find a Mentor

Follow blogs of IT influencers. Read tech newsletters, magazines, and trade journals.

Take a freelance IT job in online job portals. You can include this experience in your CV or portfolio.

Locally, join seminars wherein IT industry experts share firsthand information. Approach them to get advice on your career path. If they are willing to mentor you, take advantage of this opportunity.

Working face-to-face with a boss has its advantages. Aside from learning the business side, you will start building your personal and professional IT network.

Overall, taking these four steps is an entertaining way to find out. It will give you focal point and direction to pursue your IT career goals.

Image Credits: Daniel Josef

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