How to Brand Your Business: Simple, Tested Tips For Success

in Business

Branding is a critical component of any successful business. No matter what type of company you have, the goal should be to create an identity that stands out from your competitors and gives customers a reason to choose you. You need to do more than slap your logo on everything you produce, though. Many small things can be done to ensure your brand is professional and unique. Of course, in some cases, you can subvert this entire process by opting for a low cost franchise with a proven image already. For any other approach, originality is key. Here are some tested tips for branding your business so it’s ready for success.

Get a Great Logo

When starting a business, the first thing you should do is get yourself an attractive, clean logo. A good logo design will make your company stand out from the rest, and it will also serve as a marketing tool for attracting new customers.

When choosing a logo, consider the following:

  • The colors that you will be using
  • The type of font you want to use
  • The graphic elements you would like to include

The following are steps to take when choosing your logo:

  • Design a sketch of your logo yourself
  • Hire an in-house graphic designer, or outsource to freelancers like Fiverr or 99designs

Once you’ve decided on the colors and fonts used for your company’s branding, make sure that all marketing materials reflect this. Once people see these commonalities across each piece, it will help them build trust with your brand. Try creating templates for different print materials, so they are consistent but still allow creativity within certain limits. Remember: consistency is key. The last thing you want is for someone walking into one of your stores to be confused because they saw a different logo on TV.

Once you have decided on all of the details, it is essential to get a professional designer to create your logo. This is not something that should be taken lightly. A good logo will represent your company well and last for many years.

Buy Banners

Banners are an inexpensive way to boost the visibility of your brand. You can shop around for the best deals or order them online. Just be sure to use high-quality images and graphics and that the text on your banner is easy to read.

There are plenty of places where you can buy good-quality banners that fit into any budget. Here are some examples:

Internet Banners

Order online from sites like Vistaprint and AdoramaPix. Search under ‘banners’ for what you’re looking for. You can also run Google search queries specifically for “banner printing” services to find results specific to your area if there aren’t many available options online.

Print Banners

Visit your local print or office supply store. You can also visit wholesale clubs like Costco, BJ’s, and Sam’s Club to score some good deals on banners.

Display Banners

Search for display banner stands at Google Shopping. These are typically made of metal, so they’re more durable than other types of flags.


See if you can find someone who offers sign-making services in your area online by searching for terms like ‘sign making’ or ‘custom signs.’ If not, check out Uprinting, Vista Print, or Overnightprints. They all offer affordable poster printing services that allow you to upload files directly from the web.

Create a “Voice” for Your Company That Reflects Your Brand

With your brand’s voice in mind, start writing down what you want to say and how you would like it said. This may seem difficult at first because there are no limits or boundaries on what can be written when creating a voice; however, if you’re having trouble figuring out where to begin, remember: Keep in mind that this will be used for all marketing materials (online and off), so make sure everything is consistent with your overall message.

Keep tone light and conversational

If customers feel they’re talking directly to someone behind the business, they’ll likely enjoy interacting with them more often, which ultimately leads to building stronger relationships. The key here is not making it sound far-off or too professional by using words and phrases you wouldn’t usually use in a casual setting.

Be straightforward

Customers appreciate honesty, so be upfront and honest about what your brand can offer them through every piece of content they interact with. If someone takes the extra step to check out who you are, it’s essential to give them no reason not to trust you from the beginning — even if that means being transparent about any challenges or problems that may come up as your company grows.


Branding your business is essential for success. By following these simple, tested tips, you can create a brand that reflects your company and attracts customers. Be consistent in your branding efforts, and you will see results.

Image Credits: Skitterphoto

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