How To Create a House Cleaning Routine You’ll Actually Stick To

in Home Improvement, Lifestyle

Whether you live in a small apartment, a multi-bedroom house, or a bigger home, cleaning will always be a part of your household life. The last thing you want is to have guests ring the bell, and scramble to clean at the last minute because you haven’t taken the time to tidy up.

If you’re like everyone else, you surely do love a clean house but hate cleaning. The good news is that cleaning doesn’t have to feel like a chore as long as you’re strategic with your routine.

If you feel like you’ve been struggling with finding a cleaning routine that actually works for you, then worry no more. This article is here to save your household management woes by giving you tips on how to maintain a cleaning routine that you can actually stick to.

  1. Schedule A Regular Rubbish Collection

When it comes to cleaning, you can never go wrong calling for a rubbish collection service, like Same-day Rubbish Removal. This refers to the company that comes and collects your rubbish after it’s been segregated. These companies will then send those for recycling to the proper plant and those that have no other destination but the landfill right in its place.

Calling for a regular rubbish collection company to come and collect your waste ensures that you don’t keep unnecessary waste at home. This is particularly troublesome as it may reduce your home’s value if the trash piles up in your front yard.

Waste will always pile up, and you’ll want to be able to keep on top of your waste collection needs.

  1. Make It A Point To Clean As You Go

Cleaning will be fun when you practice the clean as you go system. This holds great weight, particularly when it comes to cooking.

While waiting for the dish to cook, for example, take care of the mess in the kitchen right away. After eating, make it a point to just give the surface a quick wipe and vacuum any food crumbs.

The kitchen can be the top contributor to mess in a household. With the clean as you go routine, you won’t have to dread the major clean-up at the end of the day because you already took care of it gradually.

  1. Identify The Chores You Don’t Have To Frequently Do

Cut yourself some slack. If cleaning is something you do mostly by yourself, then you can’t keep cleaning the entire home every single time. You can make cleaning less stressful when, early on, you’re able to do an audit of the tasks that don’t have to be done regularly.

Here’s a quick guide:

  • Monthly cleaning, such as cleaning your dishwasher, vacuuming the vents and woodwork in your home, dusting the blinds, and cleaning light fixtures;
  • Quarterly or semi-annually, such as wiping down the inside of your fridge, cleaning out your freezer, hood cleaning, cleaning the inside of the oven, changing the shower curtain, cleaning the drains, and vacuuming the mattresses. You can also include a major declutter every quarter.
  1. Make Your Bed

No matter how busy the day may be, always have time to make your bed. Doing so can help set everything in order. Doing so may also improve your mood. Plus, you’ll want to have an inviting and clean room after a long, busy day. Lastly, by making your bed every morning, you’ll no longer worry about your room being unclean, saving you time that you can use to clean other rooms.

  1. Do The Laundry


A piling laundry is another big contributor to a home looking like a big mess. Depending on how many members are in your household, you may have to do the laundry every day. That way, you won’t be overwhelmed doing the laundry on the weekend when you should be relaxing.

If you’ve got a machine to do the laundry for you, then have at least one load of laundry every day. You can run the laundry machine while you’re doing other chores, so all you need to do is pick them up and sort them after it’s done. However, if you haven’t got a washing machine of your own, and depending on where you live, you could try a service like kedai dobi layan diri.


As you can see, creating a cleaning routine doesn’t have to be such a difficult thing to do. You don’t have to feel as if you’ve just wasted your whole weekend cleaning the entire house when, in fact, you could’ve spent that time relaxing with your family or playing with your children. If you don’t have enough time, you can also hire professionals from BG011 CLEANING SERVICES for complete cleaning of your house.

When you make all these a part of your daily routine, it becomes second nature to keep your home clean and in order.

Image Credits: congerdesign, Karolina Grabowska

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