How to Decorate a New Flat on a Budget

in Home Improvement

If you’ve just moved into a new flat, you probably will want to make that space your own. Maybe you have ideas of how to transform it into your dream apartment, or maybe you’re totally winging it and haven’t a clue on where to start. Regardless, it can be quite expensive to completely redecorate, and understandably not everyone can budget for a total design makeover.

It’s a bit more time consuming, but if you plan your decorating, you can save a bit of money and better stick to a budget. Do a bit of research (read: search on Pinterest) for ideas and inspiration of how you want your flat to look, and then jump in head first with these budget-friendly decorating tips.

Apply a fresh coat of paint

Nothing says ‘this space is mine now’ like a fresh coat of paint in your favourite colour. It’s quick, easy and cost-effective, plus makes a world of difference. One coat of paint and the entire room looks refreshed already. If you’re moving furniture in, try using a paint colour that will complement your furniture style so nothing clashes and ends up being too hard on your eyes. After all, you want this space to be inviting.

Repurpose what you own

Sure, it’s not as exciting as buying something brand new, but you’re on a budget. Taking older pieces, you might be considering selling or tossing and giving them a refresh can also really impact the look of the decor. Unless the piece is structurally broken and irreparable, the style can be updated to match your current tastes, so be wary before throwing anything away. If you fancy yourself a DIY person, or you’re handy with tools, this is your time to shine.

When it comes to rooms with permanent fixtures like cabinets, counters, and wall shelving, the cost of renovating and redecorating can be enormous. Never fear, you can repurpose these too with a little time commitment and some elbow grease. A little coat of paint and refaced cabinets can completely change the feel of the whole room without having to tear everything down and rebuild. Even just changing the knobs on the cupboards and drawers can have a big effect.

Wait for online deals

Often, online retailers come in at a cheaper price than brick-and-mortar shops, and it’s much more convenient to shop online. It also makes it easy to find out when promotional sales are happening (sign up for email lists to stay up to date) so you can save some coin. Household appliances and electronics are examples of products that can be found at a discount online during sales like Amazon Prime Day, so be sure to check out the best Prime Day deals at digitaltrends for a heads up on good savings.

Shop thrifty

Second-hand shopping is a great way to find quality pieces for less, not to mention reduce your environmental footprint by reusing. If you’re not an avid thrifter, take some time to read up on the tips and tricks of thrift shopping, including finding out what days the delivery arrives and shopping on that day. You’ll get to browse all the good items before they get picked through and could end up finding a real gem! Be wary of bigger pieces of furniture, in case they’re structurally damaged and might break or cause injury to whoever is using it. Finally, make sure to double-check anything before buying.

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