Making Your Home More Environmentally Friendly

in Home Improvement

Whether the weather is getting hotter or colder, you’ll no doubt want to make sure your home is ready for the new season. The problem is, heating or cooling your home comes at a cost to the environment, not to mention your wallet. But there is some good news. Making your home more environmentally friendly not only helps the Earth, but it can also cut your energy costs and make your home a more pleasant place to be. Here are some tips to get you started.

Switch to trench convectors

From radiators on the wall to air con systems, heating and cooling systems can look unsightly and take up space. Many traditional methods of heating and cooling are also inefficient, and the older they get, the worse their performance. Installing trench convectors in your home is an excellent way to update your heating and cooling system. They look stylish and are efficient at keeping your home at a comfortable temperature, so you spend less on energy and help save the environment.

Insulate your home properly

Even if you think your home is well-insulated, there may well be areas that aren’t completely protected. Some places you’ll need to insulate include:

  • Walls
  • Your loft
  • Ceilings
  • Basement walls
  • Garages and porches
  • Floors

Check how much insulation you have too. Some homes are built with the most basic insulation, and often the cheapest kind. Adding a little extra inexpensive insulation can make a huge difference. For example, in hot climates, add insulation with a foil exterior and excess heat will be reflected, meaning you spend a lot less on air conditioning. During colder months, insulation will help trap heat inside your home, so you don’t have to run the heating at full blast all day.

Insulation is inexpensive, and if you’re good at DIY, you may be able to do certain areas yourself. You can pick up rolls of insulation in any hardware store. Some areas even offer grants for people to install insulation, as it can really help lower your carbon footprint, as well as being good for your wallet.

Consider solar panel installation

One of the best ways to cut energy bills and move away from fossil fuel use is to install solar panels.

Solar panels are one of the most environmentally friendly things you can install in your home. They generate electricity for your home, and if there’s excess electricity, it’s fed back into the grid to power other homes too. Saving money with a solar panel installation is easy. Once installed, your electric bills should be nearly zero, however, it’s worth keeping in mind that they need to be installed properly. Sometimes, solar panels need adjusting to be as efficient as possible and catch the sun’s rays.

There’s also the expense of installing solar panels in your home to consider. It can be pricey, but there are often grants available to cut the costs. Of course, over time, the panels pay for themselves in energy saving costs, so sit down and work out the costs before you commit.

Use passive design when building or renovating

If you’ve ever lived in a poorly designed home, you’ll know what a difference it can make to your comfort levels. For example, rooms that have low ceilings and small windows can get stuffy in hot climates. But adding larger windows, with shade from the sun, and larger ceilings that allow air to circulate, allows for the room to feel cooler and airier, without the need for air conditioning. Using passive design in your home is essential in countries such as Australia, where the heat can be extreme. While passive design is best done at the building stage, if you’re planning a renovation, this can be a good time to make changes. Investing some money on passive design can mean you use much less energy in the long term.

Saving the environment not only makes you feel good, but it can also save you money too. Nobody wants to throw away money constantly heating or cooling their home, and if you make a few small changes, you will find that your home feels much more comfortable. Not only that, your utility bills will shrink, meaning you can be a happy homeowner.

Image Credits: RachelW1

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