How to Get Your Garden Summer-Ready

in Home Improvement

Over the coming weeks and months, we’re all going to be spending a lot of time in our gardens. Given this, it only makes sense that we all take the opportunity to prepare the space, and make the most of the time available. This preparation will help us to enjoy the summer when it rolls around – and it’ll also help to break apart the days and weeks ahead, which might already have taken on an amorphous quality. If you’re already struggling to tell what day it is, then this point might already have arrived.

So, what might we do to get the garden ready for the coming summer? Let’s take a look at a few simple steps to take.

Cleaning and Tidying

If you haven’t set foot in your garden space since September, then you might find that a whole range of plant-life has proliferated. For your garden to look presentable when June rolls around, you’ll want to deal with these now. Collect up fallen leaves and detritus, mow the lawn, remove any weeds by hand, and then scrub away those that remain. Finally, you’ll want to clean your patio – either by hand, or with the help of a pressure-washer. If you go for the latter, then be careful you don’t damage any fragile tiling.


One thing that’s sure to make your outdoor living space more habitable, especially during the evenings, is a little bit of extra lighting. Outdoor lights are inexpensive, robust, and will form a nice border around your patio space and garden paths. If you’re heading out into the garden a little bit earlier this year, then you might find that you need to make greater use of the space while it’s dark – so the investment in lighting makes sense.


Given that we all have so much extra time available, there will be no excuse not to have an immaculate-looking garden. If you’re new to gardening, then it’s worth getting started with bulbs. These are among the most forgiving means of adding colour to those spring borders, and now is the best time to plant those summer-flowering bulbs, like gladioli.

Prepare for outdoor meals

It’s unlikely that you’ll be entertaining guests over the coming months. But that doesn’t mean that you won’t be enjoying the outdoors just as much, if not more. Those working from home might elect to enjoy lunch in the sunshine every day. Given this, the importance of the right outdoor dining set becomes difficult to overlook.

Image Credits: Eco Warrior Princess

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