How to Make the Most Out of a Business Trip

in Business, Travel

If you’re a business owner, there can be nothing more exciting than travelling to a business meeting with some potential new clients and or partners. However, these trips can easily take at least one or two days out of your schedule, if not more. Your only option is to work while you travel, which can oftentimes prove a little challenging.

However, there are plenty of ways you can make the most out of your trip when it comes to managing the day to day running of your business. Here are just a few ideas on how you can maximise the time you have available.

Book into some professional accommodation

While it might seem like a luxury to book into anything other than the cheapest chain hotel, serviced apartments are an excellent professional choice. There are plenty of serviced apartments in London which gives you the pick of the bunch when it comes to accommodation for professionals. The difference between an apartment and a hotel room is that apartments come with far more amenities and feel noticeably more homely than a hotel room – ideal for longer stays.

Save any typing for the train and or plane

We’ve all been a victim of spelling mistakes when walking and replying to emails and messages on our phones. Instead of trying to do everything at once, plan your day meticulously and set aside a good time to get any typing done.

For example, being sat on a train with access to Wi-Fi is an ideal time to check your inboxes and get back to people. If you’re travelling overseas, maybe do this at the airport before boarding your flight and save any presentation or document work for the plane journey itself.

Sign up to cloud services before your trip

Don’t go flying overseas unless you’re already set up with cloud services. If you use cloud-native applications, having MySQL support ready to help you lets you avoid hiccups and get a seamless experience.

Check your hotel destination offers internet and make sure that you have hotspot access, just in case there is a problem with the local broadband. If the worst comes to the worst, rely on your phone for firing off emails.

Book a space in a shared office ahead of arrival

If you’re going to be at your destination for a few days, it might be worth looking into hiring some space in a shared office. These coworking spaces are hugely popular and give you a professional office space to work out of or even host meetings if necessary.

Check out any local networking events

Meetings don’t tend to last all day. So, instead of hopping on the train and heading straight back home, why not see what’s going on in the area you’ve travelled to? If you’re in a big city, maybe there’s a networking event that coincides with your meeting. This gives you a great opportunity to start making connections in a new place and works on getting both you and your business out there.

As promising as business meetings are, travelling to them can easily become a logistical nightmare without proper planning. Hopefully, these few tips have given you some idea on how to better manage your time when you’re out of the office.

Image Credits: Lean Xview

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