In-home Care vs Care Facility

in Lifestyle

When it comes to aged care services, it is an understatement to say that we all want the best. With our desire to be well cared for, the need to do research to find the best aged care provider is essential.

The decision of choosing the right in-home aged care provider is a significant one that will impact every facet of your life. So take not the seriousness of this matter lightly.

Not only do you need to feel that the aged care provider is the right fit for you, but you’ll also need to ensure that they utilise safe and ethical measures at all times.

So which do you choose from, in-home care of a care facility instead?

Beyond personal preferences of socialising with others in a care facility or being in the comfort of your home and neighbourhood, here are the main differences to help you decide which aged care service is ideal for you.

Access to care

In-home care can easily provide around the clock service, based on an individual’s requirements. The advantage of having an in-home provider is the full flexibility tailored to your unique needs.

By having a level of care personalised to suit you, you get the exact type of care that you need. Not only does this help your dignity remain intact, it supports you to retain your independence and live life on your own terms.

Care facilities are staffed with qualified clinicians, most of which are nurses. Depending on the hours, there may also be other medical professionals such as doctors on the premises. Care facilities, however, do not provide emergency care for acute conditions which are provided in a hospital environment instead. Where patients require higher dependency, in-home care is more suitable.

Social network

One of the biggest advantages of in-home aged care is the ability to maintain your familiar environment and friendships. As there is little change made to your social network, given that you still live at home, you can maintain strong relationships with those that matter.

Most nursing homes offer a social program, which may include outings and other on-site, activities for residents to keep socially active. As these activities are organised to cater to many residents, there will be limitations to the type of activities available along with select schedules not offering flexibility.

It is crucial to note that the process of moving away from familiar networks and environments can be disruptive and upsetting. In other instances, it creates a good opportunity for people to build and maintain friendships in the close proximity of a care facility.

Emotional well-being

In-home aged care offers a huge advantage of having no major life changes to overcome. You can maintain your usual social and family interactions while having the extra aged care support you need to live your life to the fullest.

At a care facility, the need to move away from home can be an overwhelming one, especially for those experiencing early stages of dementia. The loss of independence can prove to be highly emotional, and the health risks of loneliness are apparent. Often times, residents in care facilities aren’t able to take a lot of meaningful belongings from home due to space limitations. Moving to an aged care facility is a significant life change that requires proper planning for a smoother transition.

Things you need to know about aged care services

It is worth noting that all aged care services, both in-home aged care and care facilities, are bound by several regulations, including legislations such as the Aged Care Act 1997. The ethical code for aged care services is overlooked by the Charter of Aged Care Rights.

With these legal measures in place, aged care providers are required to operate and deliver a high standard of care in accordance with safety, comfort, and well-being of the client.

Aged care providers have a duty of care to their clients. This includes in-home aged care providers who have to ensure that injury and harm are reasonably prevented.

Some of the duty of care for aged care services include:

  • A high standard of care
  • Reasonably preventing injury or harm
  • Ensuring clients live without neglect or abuse

Ethical practices in aged care services include:

  • Always treating clients with respect and dignity
  • Respecting and supporting cultural diversity
  • Putting a client’s needs first

When looking for a reliable aged care provider, the ultimate point to help you decide should be how you feel comfortable with the provider. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the aged care services being provided.

The more you understand your rights as an aged care client, and your aged care provider’s obligations, the better your expectations can be. Remember, if you aren’t happy with your current aged care provider, you can always change provider at any time.

Image Credits: Ravi Patel

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