Job Hunting Tips for Older Adults

in Careers

Older adults re-entering the workforce has become a growing trend, and despite what you might think, there are plenty of careers out there for retired professionals and those looking for a career change later in life. If you’re looking for a new job, check out these job hunting tips for older adults.

Think About What You Want from a Job

Before you start applying for jobs, you have to think about what you want to gain from it. Think about whether you’re looking for short-term or long-term employment. This will determine whether you should apply for seasonal, part-time, full-time work.

Are you looking for a serious, high-paying job or something that will get you out of the house every now and again? If you’re looking for a job just so you can socialise, why not look for a voluntary position at your local community centre.

Think about what sector you would like to work in. You need to decide whether you want a similar job to one you’ve had before or whether you want a career change.

The next thing you should ask yourself, is whether you’re happy to travel. There are plenty of remote job opportunities, but if you don’t want to work from home, you need to decide whether you are willing to do a long commute every day or whether you want a job that’s nearby. If you’ve found a job you love that’s far from where you live, you should consider whether it’s work looking into Burbank moving companies so you can move closer.

All of these things will determine the kinds of jobs you apply for.

Update Your CV

Having an up-to-date CV is a must if you want to be taken seriously by potential employers. You need to update your CV with your most recent work experience and relevant skills. If you’re applying for different jobs, tailor your CV to each job.

You could have the best resume in the world, but your CV may be working against you if you reveal your age. While age discrimination is against the law, you will likely experience some form of ageism during the application process.

You don’t need to add every job and every volunteer position you’ve had to your CV; just include the most relevant information from the last ten to fifteen years. You can add where you went to school or university, just leave the dates out.

Consider Your Skills

Think about all of the skills you’ve acquired over the years. Are those skills relevant for the kind of job you want to apply for? How can the knowledge you’ve built up over time be used to make you a top candidate for a job? Your skills could be used to apply for a job you’ve not even considered. Check out this website for ideas.

It’s a competitive job market and many employers want applicants with a certain level of knowledge and experience. Do you have much work experience in the field you’re applying for? If not, you should look into voluntary positions, apprenticeships, or taking a course to get some experience. For example, if you want to a career in catering, take the time to learn more about food preparation and take food hygiene courses.

Online Applications

Once your CV has been updated, it’s time to start looking for work.

Everything is digital these days, and fewer employers are accepting paper CV submissions simply because of the number of applications they receive each day. Some business will accept printed CVs, but it’s always better to check online to see what each company prefers.

One of the benefits of applying for jobs online is that it is faster. You can apply for more jobs in a shorter span of time than it would take for you apply in person. If there any particular companies you’d like to work for, check out the careers section of their website where they’ll list all current vacancies. There are plenty of online employment agencies where you can filter through job types, location, and salary.

While they’re not as popular as they once were, the careers section of your local newspaper might offer some interesting employment opportunities. It can’t hurt to check!

Take Advantage of Resources for Older Adults

There are many resources out there to help you find employment. Look online at job sites and recruitment agencies for over 50s. Look online for a career coach to support you in your search for right job and to help you prepare for interviews.

Check out local employment agencies. They may be able to help you to refine your resume and cover letter to make it more appealing to potential employers.

Image Credits: TheStandingDesk

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