Pro Gaming: A Super Cool Way to Make Money

in Entertainment

Gaming is a new money-making trend. Gone are days when gaming was a mere hobby or a way to pass the time. Welcome to the new digital era, where you can have fun streaming games all day on leading platforms like Twitch and YouTube, and earn good money! And with a bet bonus code, you could make even more.

If you are someone who detests the idea of a routine, boring job and likes to laze around at home in comfortable clothes, then give it a try! You might find the money-making part hard at first, but things will get easier if you are passionate enough!

What is streaming?

It doesn’t matter if you are an amateur who is new to the gaming world or if you are a pro; you can make a lot of money. It can be done from anywhere, even with just a laptop and high-speed internet! So, what is streaming?

It consists of uploading gameplay to a platform like Twitch or YouTube where the viewers get to watch on-demand recorded content or a livestreamed game, where they get to watch as you play in real time.

The more views you get, the more scope there is for getting partnered/affiliated and being able to monetize your channel. A ‘channel’ refers to your profile where your streams are stored and can be viewed.

You need to maintain consistency; a set number of hours that you’ll be streaming every day and streaming at the same time. Once people are familiar with the times you’ll be streaming, they may visit your channel more often and you may garner a following. You’ll get more viewers by doing this than the people who stream randomly.

Will it make you rich?

How much money you make will depend on how much effort you, as a gamer, are willing to put in. Since some gaming is easy and is not at all time specific, gamers can range from teenagers to adults. However easy streaming sounds, this profession is highly competitive. There are several different ways in which you can monetise streaming.

One way to make money is to promote your merchandise which streaming. You could wear a T-shirt or hoodie with your logo on it and push viewers to head to your website to generate sales.

If your streams become popular, you may be approached about sponsorship opportunities. A company may choose you to promote their product, brand or service to your viewers. This is a great money-making opportunity, and shows your viewers that you have credibility too. In terms of affiliate programmes, if someone clicks on an affiliate link on your channel, you’ll make money if the affiliate partner makes a sale.

You could offer subscriptions where people can opt to pay monthly to subscribe to your channel and receive certain exclusive benefits (e.g. the benefits of using a private chatroom, alerts, competitions that you’ve set up etc.). Obviously, the more subscribers you have, the more money you make.

You can also make money through ads. The platform will use analytics and place advertisements on your channel. Generally, AdSense pays a lot more as popular brands can place their ads on your videos. The only part that is a little tricky to understand, is that there are ads that can be skipped. If the viewer watches your ads, you make money; if they don’t, you don’t make any. AdSense even has some ads that cannot be skipped. Ad revenue also varies from platform to platform.

Another way you can make money is through donations. Viewer donations are frequently derived on the basis of your interaction with them. Your viewers may choose to leave comments, chat in real-time as the stream is taking place, share your streams, and refer their friends. They can leave any donations they want. It all really depends upon your how high your level of engagement is and how entertaining you are!

Image Credits: Lalesh Aldarwish

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