Simple Ways to Increase E-commerce Conversion Rates

in Business

When it comes to running any business website, especially an e-commerce site, your ultimate goal is to increase conversions. This means that you need to go beyond merely attracting customers to your site so that you can entice them to make a purchase while they are there. In doing so, you will be able to increase your profits and grow your company. But how can you go about increasing your conversion rate easily? Keep reading for a few e-commerce tips that you should implement today.

Invest in SAP Enterprise Portals

There is a SAP enterprise portal for your e-commerce store, whether you are catering to average consumers or you are selling to businesses. A SAP enterprise portal will essentially make the entire shopping experience on your site a much easier one, and when people can find what they are looking for and check out easily, they will be encouraged to shop with you and stick with you. Your customers will be presented with an engaging online shopping experience, and they will be able to access a variety of helpful features and functions, including their order history and account management tools.

Boost Your Interactions on Social Media

By enhancing your presence on social media and interacting with your current and potential customers there, you can encourage more people to trust your brand and make more purchases. More than 80 per cent of online shoppers will review a minimum of one social media website prior to actually making a purchase, so make sure that all of your social media pages, from Facebook and Twitter, to Instagram and Snapchat, are up-to-date and feature valuable, informative content, as well as deals and promotions.

Include Better Product Images, Along with Product Videos

Shopping online can be difficult because customers can’t see and hold a product like they can in stores. This means that you are responsible for bringing a product to life as best as possible. High quality product photos and videos taken in a professional studio setting will enhance an already stellar product description, as they will allow your visitors to see the items in greater detail before making a purchase.

Provide Products That Customers Can Customise

Customised products are hugely popular because they make customers feel as though they have created something unique for themselves or for their gift recipient. Therefore, if you can, consider adding some items to your e-commerce shop and giving customers the option to customise them to their liking, whether that means allowing for custom engraving or letting visitors pick the fabric and colour of a product.

Provide Outstanding Customer Service

Finally, to not only increase your conversions, but to also retain your customers long-term, provide outstanding customer service throughout the day. Let your customers get in touch via email, chat, and phone so they can share their comments and ask questions about your products before they buy.

By following the easy tips above, you can enhance your e-commerce shop and make it even more attractive to a larger number of shoppers. In the end, as long as you’re selling products that are in high enough demand, you should see your conversions increase.

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