Stage 4 Hemorrhoids Can Be Cured with Laser Surgery Permanently

in Health & Well-being

Grade IV piles or haemorrhoids is the most severe and the last stage of piles. The ordeals faced by the patient can be far more adverse and problematic than the initial stages and create a huge amount of discomfort. It is that stage at which haemorrhoids remain protruded out of the anal canal at all the times and cannot be physically or manually pushed back in. In these cases, home remedies do not work beyond a point and the doctor suggests surgical procedure in order to cure piles. Now, let us take a look at what this troublesome condition involves and what can a person do, so as to get relief from its symptoms.

Causes of Haemorrhoids

Application of excessive amount of intra-abdominal pressure causes blood vessels to become enlarged. When blood vessels near the rectal or anal region become abnormally engorged, it leads to a painful condition known as haemorrhoids or piles. Carrying heavy weights for long times, excessive straining during bowel movements, obesity and chronic constipation are the main reasons behind why a haemorrhoid may affect a person. Pressure on blood vessels might also increase due to foetus during pregnancy and weak tissues during old age. This, then, leads to development of piles. Inflammatory bowel diseases, chronic diarrhoea, etc. are some of the other causes behind this ailment.

Symptoms of Haemorrhoids


Rectal bleeding is the most clear and visible symptom that a person may be affected by piles. The bleeding may be noticed while making bowel movements and an intensifying pain might be experienced at grade 4 piles. Haemorrhoids can cause itching, soreness and redness near the anal region. It might hurt around the anal region and a sensation of burn might be felt. Some small lumps might be observed near the anus and discharge of mucus from the opening of anus is quite common at this last stage.

Difference Between Various Stages

Piles can be classified into two major categories based on the area they develop. While internal haemorrhoids develops deep inside the anal canal region, external haemorrhoids forms outside the anal canal but near the anus. Internal haemorrhoids are generally painless and not visible to naked eyes at the beginning stages. On the other hand, an excruciating amount of pain can occur in case of external haemorrhoids.

Internal haemorrhoids are graded on the basis of protrusion of haemorrhoids below the pectinate line in the anal region. The first grade of piles do not protrude out of the anal canal but the anal cushion bleeds while making bowel movements. At the second stage of piles, haemorrhoids bulge out of canal but automatically reduces own its own. Grade 3 piles involves prolapsed haemorrhoids, which can be manually pushed back in. In the very last stage of piles, that is grade 4 haemorrhoids, it stays out of the anal canal at all the times. As mentioned above, they create more difficulties for a person.

Laser Surgical Procedure for Grade IV Piles

Use of home remedial measures, dietary changes, application of laxatives, sitz bath, etc. can be used to mitigate the symptoms of piles and provide relief to the affected person, but they cannot fully heal the last stage of piles. They promptly require surgical intervention to take place. Patients, generally, worry about the long recovery time, never going stitch marks caused by several incisions made during the operation and its recurrence rate. These are the major consequences of a traditional haemorrhoidectomy. This open surgery has instilled a fear among patients and they tend to put off this treatment. But, this might escalate into some serious problem and the pain and complications would keep on mounting up. However, science and technology has advanced to a level that in the medical industry, it has led to the development of highly modern and seamless laser surgical treatment for piles. In this method, a specialized laser fibre is embedded directly into the haemorrhoid. It helps coagulate blood vessels through use of intense light pulses. This causes stoppage of blood flow to the infected tissue, thereby causing haemorrhoid to shrivel up. This medical procedure typically involves easier recovery period and is associated with minimal invasiveness and lesser cuts or wounds. Studies have also shown that patients who undergo such advanced procedures suffer very less pain as compared to open surgery. In fact, the blood loss during the surgery is also very less. It is a permanent treatment for piles and ensures no risk of recurrence or spread of infection caused by the surgery.

The Bottom Line

Laser surgery is readily available for treating piles at any stage. A patient need not worry as this laser surgical provides a comfortable experience and covers almost every disadvantage of conventional open surgery including incisions, recurrence rate and recovery time. A healthy lifestyle comprising of fibre rich food, plenty of intake of liquids and regular exercise is the key to avoid the prevalence of piles.

Further reading: How do you Control Piles at the Start Stage

Image Credits: Charles Deluvio

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