The Tools That Will Improve Your Online Presence

in Business, Software

Are you looking to maximize your online presence? Perhaps you don’t want to spend the money on an online marketing team to take care of everything for you or maybe you have a very clear idea of what you want and how you want to do it. To that end, there are plenty of tools that can help you take care of your needs by yourself.

Here, we’re going to look at several of the tools that can help you be the master of your own online presence. Consider how each of these can help you fill the gaps in your online marketing and reach your business goals.

Analytics tool

First of all, the most important thing in online marketing is to know what it is that you’re doing. This means, quite literally, you should know how well your different efforts are working. Many social media platforms will have their own analytics and there are tools like Google Analytics, which tends to be the best tool for gleaning data on your website’s usage. However, social media data tools like SproutSocial can help you compile data from multiple sources to help you get a better idea of how your overall approach is working and, if it’s improving, which channels are proving the most helpful.

Website builder

Of course, you need to have a website to get people onto, as well. There are various different ways of building websites. Some traditional tools like WordPress have their uses, but they’re mostly for blogging. Thankfully, with the help of a website builder like Vert, you can have much more flexibility to build your website to precisely your needs. You don’t need any coding knowledge or any website design experience. Simply think about the kind of website that you want and make use of drag and drop tools to configure it into existence.

Website optimization

Building your website is one thing, but you also want to make sure that you can make it operate to its very best potential. If your goal with your website is to convert customers, then you should look at conversion rate optimization tools like Crazy Egg. Effectively, these tools will look over your website and usage data to help you get a better idea of where it is and isn’t working. It can be due to things like not having enough calls to action, poor placement of text boxes, and more. It might seem like a small matter, but these tweaks can make real differences in your bottom line.

Social media manager

If you’re online using one social media platform, then you might be able to handle that without too much hassle. However, when you’re starting to run multiple accounts across multiple platforms, it can get overwhelming to have to bounce from tab to tab to make sure that you’re engaging with each of them. Social media management sites like HootSuite can help in bringing everything together on one page, while also allowing you to be more responsive by, for instance, tracking topics and phrases, as well as scheduling posts.

SEO audit tool

We’ve already mentioned how one tool can help you optimize your website by making it more likely to convert your potential customer. But first, you need to get them on the website, to begin with. To that end, an SEO audit can help you do that by going through your website and highlighting everything that makes it less likely to show up near the top of relevant Google search result pages. By fixing these issues, you can boost your chances of getting discovered through Google, which is one of the biggest modern drivers of traffic for businesses.

Email marketing tool

One of the most effective methods of outbound marketing currently used is email marketing. However, you want to make sure that your emails look professional and present your content in the most appealing forms possible, so it’s not enough to just fit and write them by hand. You can use email marketing apps like Mailchimp to give your emails the brand visuals that they need, while also managing your mailing list so that you can quickly and easily send it out to the contacts on that list most relevant to the email’s purposes.

With the tools above, you can have complete control over your online marketing efforts, with the kind of insight and flexibility that you would enjoy if you were a professional marketer. There are plenty more beyond those mentioned above so be sure to keep doing your research to find those most relevant to your needs.

Image Credits: StockSnap

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