Tips on How to Prevent and Treat Sports Injuries

in Health & Well-being

Sports injuries are common during training or participating in a sporting event. Although children are at high risk of sports injuries, adults can also suffer from them. Sports injuries occur due to a lack of enough warm-up before participating in a sport. Such injuries are also common in contact sports. Severe injuries require expert help from professionals like

A sports injury can be fatal if you don’t treat it carefully. Many athletes have had their sporting careers snatched too early due to the negligence of treatment for injuries. Knowing how to treat various types of sports injuries helps the patient recover quickly and adequately. Below are helpful tips to prevent and treat sports injuries.

  1. Types of Sports Injuries

Sports injuries occur in different ways, affecting different parts of the body. The injuries also show various complications and symptoms when they occur. Here are some common sports injuries:

  • Sprains

Sprains occur when the ligaments overstretch or tear. Ligaments are pieces of hard tissues that are found in joints and connect two bones.

  • Strains

When muscles and tendons overstretch or tear, they cause a strain injury. Muscles are connected to the bone with thick, fibrous tissue cords called tendons. Many people often mistake sprains for strains, but they are two different sports injuries.

  • Knee Injuries

Most injuries that affect knee movements are sports-related. These injuries range from overstretching to tearing of tissues and muscles in the knee area.

  • Swollen Muscles

Any injury can cause the body to swell in the injured area. Swollen muscles are often weak and painful.

  • Dislocations

Dislocations are commonly experienced in contact sports such as rugby or football. A dislocated bone is often painful because a bone is forced out of its socket. Mostly, it deforms the joint and causes swelling and temporary immobility.

  1. Treatment

The most common treatment method for sports injuries is RICE (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). This treatment is an ideal option for a person who has suffered a mild sports injury. Applying this treatment within 24 to 36 hours after the injury will help the patient heal much faster. Using this treatment in time prevents swelling, bruising, and pain.

Medication is often employed to treat sports injuries. Both prescription and OTC drugs can treat sports injuries depending on the extent of the injury. Medication helps to prevent swelling and relieve pain.

Consult your doctor if an injury feels or looks severe. If you notice these signs after a sports injury, seek immediate medical attention:

  • Noticeable bumps, lumps, and other kinds of deformities;
  • When you hear a popping or crunching sound coming from your joint while moving;
  • Extreme pain or weakness when pressure is applied to the joint.

You should also seek emergency attention when you experience these symptoms:

  • Fever
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Dizziness

A serious sports injury may require physical therapy from experts. In the worst-case scenario, surgery may be necessary. Book an appointment with your physician if the injury refuses to heal within two weeks.

  1. Prevention

You can easily prevent sports injuries by warming up and stretching rightly before participating in any sport. Cold muscles can easily overstretch or tear when exposed to sudden vigorous movements. Muscles become more flexible when they are warm. Flexible muscles bend easily, absorb sudden movements and stretch with ease, minimizing sports injury risks.

Prevention is better than cure. It is best to avoid sports injuries than to let them happen and treat them later. However, if the unfortunate happens, these tips will help you heal well and faster.

Image Credits: Keith Johnston

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