Try Not to Make these Tech Mistakes at Your Startup

in Business

Technology in business is there to make your life as a business owner easier. But there are some tech mistakes you can make early on. Some of the most common include the following.

Poor Network and IT Management

A working network infrastructure is a requirement of modern business. So much so that it’s pretty much impossible to run a company without internet or intranet access today. Starting small, you may not see the need for professional network management. But suppose your Silicon Roundabout tech company is growing fast. In that case, it will depend on secure and reliable network management and London IT support services capable of streamlining your daily net use. Companies like Infinity Group are a perfect example of when to outsource systems.

Tech Mistakes Include Neglecting Web Metrics

There are many ways to increase web rankings, like using SEO, writing relevant content, and getting good backlinks. But Google also thinks about a lot of other things when it ranks your site. Back in the day, almost all that was used to rank sites was keywords. There are now a lot of metrics. And they include how your posts are organised, how easy they are to read, how well your site works on mobile devices, and how fast it is. A good tip is to always give your posts a good title and break up the text with images, headings, and bullet points.

Not Using All SEO Techniques

Further to web metrics, you need to use SEO correctly since 70% of small businesses don’t. What does SEO mean? SEO stands for “search engine optimisation.” It’s basically how search engines like Google and Bing place (rank) your site and posts in relation to a search. Titles, keywords, and metadata are all part of good SEO. Google should be able to tell right away what your post is about from the title. Keywords are words that describe what your post is about. Metadata includes the URL, who wrote the page, when it was written, and a description.

Ignoring Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is a major point of contention in business today. Even as a new or small business, you are at risk of an attack. Some key considerations are the effects of poor protection:

  • First, you need protection against outside threats to your business.
  • Be aware that most cybersecurity issues begin internally.
  • You can be held liable for breaches of compliance laws.
  • Downtime has a negative impact on the overall productivity of your business.
  • The average cyberattack cost, such as ransomware, is over $1 million.
  • Your trust and brand reputation might be tarnished forever.

The fallout from a cyber attack can be devastating. In the best-case scenario, you will be grounded for a day or two. At worst, financial backing and funds will all but disappear.

Using an Inadequate Web Builder or Host

There are a lot of different platforms you can use to build your website. For example, you can use special packages for eCommerce that let you start selling right away, such as for white-label products. Also, platforms like WooCommerce, Wix, and Shopify come with a lot of features that are made for online businesses like ad creators for social media. You can also build a website using a standard platform like WordPress. But you will need to use plugins for some of the features, benefits, and security that are already built into well-known eCommerce platforms.

Reduce Tech Mistakes with Enhanced Communication

Customer service should always be a priority. Even though you’re not talking to someone face-to-face, that doesn’t mean you should ignore them. Problems will happen to even the best online business. And your customers need a way to get in touch with you to complain, ask for a refund on a broken product, or tell you about other problems. At the very least, give customers an email address they can use to get in touch with you, and always answer them. You can also hire an outside company for Live Chat systems, which most modern customers expect.

Lacking Payment Security

When you start an online business, you need to take online security very seriously. You should do everything you can to secure payments for the sake of your reputation, your customers’ money, and everyone’s safety. Payment security is a big topic, but if you choose the right platform, many of the basics are already in place. Among other things, the best eCommerce platforms offer SSL certificates. In addition, hire a managed IT service to take care of backups and stop hackers from getting in. Also, you must choose reputable online payment processors.


You can make severe tech mistakes through no fault of your own. These include a poor network setup, ignoring cybersecurity and not securing customer payment data.

Image Credits: Christina Morillo

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