How to Use Memes to Increase Your Site Traffic

in Business

The internet loves memes. They’re funny, easy to read and in the best cases, extremely shareable. If you see a meme that you like, you can’t help but share it with your friends so they can have a laugh at it too. Memes don’t just use humor to address political and social issues or touch on a range of viral trends, they can also be used as a highly effective and cheap tool for marketing. Find out how you can use these shareable funny pictures to increase traffic to your website overnight.

Step One: Know Your Memes

When you’re using memes as a marketing tool, it’ vital to stay up to date with meme culture. Knowing which memes are trending the most at any one moment in time and which stage of the meme lifecycle they’re in is key to ensuring that you choose the right images for your marketing campaign. Once a meme has reached the decline stage of the lifecycle then it’s usually no use – making it important for you to stay on top of meme trends in order to pick the ones that are growing and peaking.

Step Two: Know Business Trends

Along with getting yourself clued up on meme culture and the most trending memes on the internet at any current time, it’s important to also make sure that you’re up to date on current trends in your industry. A good marketing meme is a combination of both trending memes and industry trends that are conveyed in a humorous way in order to attract members of your target audience and compel them to action. Ensuring that your memes are relevant is key to effectively using them to drive more traffic to your site.

Step Three: Be Funny

The whole point of memes is to make people laugh. Believe it or not, humor is one of the most shareable themes on the internet, and making people laugh is one of the best ways to relax them and encourage them to find out more. Let’s face it – laughing is good for you, and if you can have someone in stiches or even just having a little giggle, they’re a lot more likely to be compelled to visit your social media page or website in order to see if there’s any more where the first one came from.

Step Four: Share

You’ve finally created your perfect marketing meme – it’s on trend in meme culture, addresses a current issue in your industry, and it’s hilarious. Now comes the time to share – sharing effectively is key to the success of your meme. If it’s very specific, you may have a hard time sharing it on the large communities, so you’d be better off sharing it on your blog or in niche communities. However, memes that are more general are likely to yield good results shared on as many channels as you can.
Memes don’t look set to go out of fashion any time soon – so use their power for attracting the masses to generate traffic to your site.

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