What Is a Neurological Problem? Everything You Need to Know

in Health & Well-being

The brain makes up approximately two percent of our total body weight. Despite that, it’s the most complex organ in the body.

It allows us to think, feel and have memories. Without it, we wouldn’t be us!

Like the rest of the body, however, it can be affected by various conditions. For example, there’s dementia, epilepsy, and other seizure disorders.

The same thing goes for the rest of the nervous system—that is, it’s not immune to disease. In fact, there are many disorders that affect the nerve network.

What’s defined as a neurological problem? What are some examples? Want to know? Then make sure to read the rest of the post!

What Is a Neurological Problem?

Neurological problems occur due to injury or changes to the brain, spine, or nerves. Some are congenital (present from birth) while others have a sudden onset due to illness or injury.

While some conditions are treatable, others will get worse over time. In fact, it’s not uncommon for some to result in some degree of disability.

As a result, an individual may require physical support in their daily lives.

4 of the Most Common Neurological Conditions

There are more than 470 known neurological conditions. Given that, it’s not surprising to know that people have started initiatives to help those in need such as the National Brain Appeal Charity.

Anyway, here are some of the most common neurological conditions.

  1. Dementia

Dementia causes problems with thinking, reasoning, and memory. It occurs when parts of the brain become diseased or damaged.

As it is, it can be caused by a number of things such as traumatic brain injury, vascular disorders, and long-time alcohol use.

Alzheimer’s disease can result in dementia as well. In fact, it’s the most common cause of dementia.

  1. ALS

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a degenerative condition that affects the nerve cells responsible for controlling voluntary movement. As such, it’s not uncommon for it to affect speech and limb movements.

Unfortunately, there’s no cure. With that said, there are medications and even a multiple sclerosis management platform that can help with the symptoms.

  1. Epilepsy 

Epilepsy is a neurological disorder that causes frequent seizures, which is due to a disruption of electrical activity in the brain.

Generally speaking, there are two types of seizures—focal (affects one part of the brain) and generalized (affects the whole brain).

Common triggers include stress, lack of sleep, caffeine, and bright lights.

  1. Parkinson’s Disease 

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disorder that affects a specific part of the brain called the substantial nigra. In the early stages, it can lead to voice changes, cramped handwriting, and stooped posture.

As the condition progresses, it can lead to motor problems such as stiffness of the arms and legs, tremor, and problems with balance.

Understanding Neurological Disorders

Now you know what a neurological problem is! As you can see, there are many disorders that can affect the nervous system.

For more similar posts, check out the rest of our health section!

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