Top Tips for a Healthy Heart in 2022

in Health & Well-being

According to recent studies, heat disease is rising in the US.  In fact, it’s currently estimated that one person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. As a result, we all must begin to take heart health seriously in the new year so that we can reduce the likelihood of dealing with heart complications in the future.

With that in mind, here are some top tips that you can use to take better care of your heart (and your health) in 2022!

  • Take some time out of your day to research the topic of heart disease and related complications, especially if you have some familial history with the disease. Proper research will not only enable you to make positive changes but will also help you to dispel popular heart health myths.
  • While shaking up your diet (and taking steps to reduce your salt intake) is a great way to take better care of your heart, you might also want to look into additional supplements that can make it easier for you to follow a healthy lifestyle. For example, CBD digestible from CBDistillery could help you reduce risk factors that are often associated with heart diseases, such as high blood pressure and stress.
  • As mentioned previously, heart complications can sometimes be linked to prolonged or excessive stress – meaning that it’s essential that you find effective ways to destress in 2022. For example, this could include giving yourself a break whenever you need one or participating in relaxing hobbies.
  • Introducing daily exercise into your routine is another great way to begin taking better care of your heart. While there are plenty of specific exercises to strengthen your heart for you to choose from, it’s important to remember that some exercise is better than no exercise – and as long as you are getting up and moving, you are making a difference. For example, instead of scrolling through your phone on your work break – why not spend that time going for a walk instead?
  • When you do not get enough sleep, you may notice the impact that has on both your energy levels and happiness the next morning, but do you also know the effects of sleep deprivation on your heart? Understanding these complications makes it clear that you need to spend some time developing a good sleep schedule in the new year and ensuring that you are giving your body the rest it deserves.
  • Attend any health check-ups that you are invited to by your healthcare provider, and seek out help when something does not feel right. Monitoring your health gets more and more important as you age, and while you may not like to cause problems or take the time out of your day, early detection of numerous heart conditions can make your recovery that much easier.
  • If relevant, ensure that you stay on top of all medications that have been prescribed to you – as this is one of the most straightforward ways in which you can begin to take better care of your cardiovascular health.


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