What to Look for in an HVAC Contractor Among the Burnaby HVAC Companies

in Home Improvement

Have you finally decided to install a HVAC system or perhaps your current one is requiring a repair or complete replacement? Some homeowners are trying to resolve the minor issues on their own, without hiring professional help, which may prove as a foolish idea, since they lack the required expertise and experience to deal with the problem.

In any event, the wisest thing would be hiring a HVAC contractor, providing fast, efficient and top-notch services regarding installations, repairs or replacement of the system. Considering the wide range of such service providers, make sure you look for the following qualities in the contractor you’ll hire.

Having proper license and insurance

The primary aspect to check when hiring a HVAC contractor, is whether it has the proper license and insurance. Since your HVAC system is one of the most valuable things installed in your house, it’s essential for the craftsman to have the required knowledge as well as experience to handle the installation or repairs with utmost care. In fact, in order to become a licensed contractor, you’re required to have at least five years of experience, otherwise you aren’t allowed to apply for it.

Nevertheless, although most craftsmen will claim they have a proper license, don’t trust them until you’re presented with a document that confirms the fact. For instance, the reliable Burnaby HVAC contractors will provide you with a copy of their license as well as have their license number proudly posted on their official website.

Anyhow, bear in mind to check the license’s expiration date in order to inspect its validity. Beware of contractors trying to trick their customers by showing them an expired license.

Apart from the license, the HVAC Company you’ll hire is supposed to have all its workers insured in case of an accident while working in your house. However, your property should be insured as well, in case it somehow gets damaged during the work procedure. In both cases, the insurance company will cover all the costs.

Man using a screwdriver

Providing estimates

Upon installing a HVAC system in your home, all of the candidates are expected to visit your home in order to make a proper evaluation. This evaluation is essential in terms of coming up with the most efficient solution, suitable for your house.

Moreover, numerous factors are being determined and inspected during the evaluation process, such as the complete square footage as well as the number of windows and their location. Also, your home should be inspected in terms of insulation and potential air leaks, as these will have to be repaired in order for the HVAC system to provide maximum efficiency. Visit this page to learn how to detect air leaks in your home.

After performing a thorough inspection of your property, the candidates should provide you with an estimate in a written form, which clearly states the cost of the whole project. Never settle for the offer proposed by the first contractor, as you’re supposed to get at least a few evaluations in order to compare the fees on the market.

Furthermore, the main factor to consider in the proposal is undoubtedly energy-efficiency, as it’ll reduce your energy bills in the long run. The higher energy-efficiency HVAC system they offer, the lower the cost of your bills. Also, make sure the company provides you with a solid warranty of the used parts as well as the labor.

Woman wrapped in a blanket next to radiator

Last but not least, never trust those craftsmen who make an estimate of your property over the phone, based on the information that you give them. The truth is that homeowners aren’t knowledgeable enough to provide the required information on the type of insulation or to check some hidden corners of the house for leaks. A reliable service provider would immediately dispatch a team to your home instead of guessing the total cost of the project.

Providing you with referrals

The most efficient way of inspecting the reputation and expertise of your potential craftsman, is by getting referrals from past clients. Any reputable company would be more than pleased to provide its future clients with contact information on their previous customers in order to provide first-hand information on their services. Go to the following link: https://www.business2community.com/loyalty-marketing/15-reasons-why-you-need-a-referral-program-02179969, to discover the importance of customer referrals for businesses.

Therefore, after obtaining a list of previous clients, your job will be to contact a couple of them to acquire all the necessary information. Make sure you ask them about the quality of installation, the energy-efficiency of the system as well as the timeframe in which the project was completed.

Man crouched next to HVAC


Hiring a HVAC company means hiring a licensed, experienced, insured and reputable service provider.

Your home deserves the best heating and cooling system. Don’t settle for less!

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