5 Possible Reasons You’re Losing Customers

in Business

A steady loss of customers can be worrying, however there is usually an easy fix. If you’ve noticed that you’re not getting the same sales or leads as before, you may want to consider whether some of the following reasons are to blame.

You’ve stopped marketing

Marketing is essential for attracting new customers. If you do a lot of your own marketing, you may go through periods where you don’t promote your business as heavily. Suring such periods you may neglect your social media pages, forgo advertising or simply not network as much. This could lead to a noticeable loss in customers. By stepping up your marketing, you could see the number of new customers rising again. Start making more time for marketing (if you’ve been busy recently, you may want to schedule some time to focus on marketing).

Bad publicity is putting customers off

Bad publicity may scare away new customers, and may even cause some of your current customers to leave. This could include negative reviews, negative social media posts or negative news articles. Overcoming bad publicity may require investing in some PR work. There are companies that help to boost your business’s reputation by erasing negative publicity and creating positive publicity. If you or another person with your company has suffered personal reputation damage, you may want to look into reputation management for individuals.

Quality control has dropped

Are you putting in place the same quality control measures to make sure that your product or service is as good quality as possible? If customers are used to a certain level of quality, they’re likely to be put off if the quality drops. This could include not checking the temperature of meat before serving, not proofreading emails before sending or not testing software as thoroughly for bugs. It is likely you will receive more complaints if quality control drops. By bringing back quality controls, you may be able to end these complaints and regain customers.

Your customer service isn’t up to scratch

Poor customer service will also put off customers. Consider whether you’ve been more abrupt with customers recently or whether you’ve been making customers wait longer. Quite often, an increase in complaints will be a tell-tale sign that customer service has got worse. Customer service can often take a hit during periods of high stress – finding a way to relieve some of the pressure may help. You may also want to retrain employees if you’ve been having complaints regarding the customer service of your staff.

You’re not offering anything new

While a sense of consistency can help to generate return customers, you may find that some customers get bored if you offer nothing new. For example, if you run a store, it can be worth occasionally adding new products to your inventory. If you run a restaurant, it could be worth occasionally adding new foods or drinks to your menu. Consider whether it’s time you did something new with your business to generate some excitement.

Image Credits: Drew Coffman

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