5 Things You Should Do by the Time You Turn 30

in Lifestyle

Your teens seemed to fly by, and now you’re suddenly an adult with much more responsibility. Your 20s can be pretty confusing, but it’s the perfect time for you to learn how to be independent. Your 20s should be about self-discovery and figuring out what you want to do with your life. If your 30s are fast approaching and you’re not sure what you should be doing, check out this list of 5 things you should do by the time you turn 30.

Travel Alone

Traveling alone or with friends as an adult is very different from going on holiday with your parents and siblings. There’s no one to supervise you or to plan your vacation for you. If you missed out on the chance to take a gap year while at university or if you threw yourself into work as soon as you finished school, then you should schedule some time off and take a holiday.

If you’re worried about the cost, you don’t have to go on an expensive vacation and stay at 5-star hotels. You could check out cheap flights, take a weekend break, and stay in a hostel or go on a camping trip. Go on the kind of holiday you want. Alternatively, you could save up and go on the trip of a lifetime.

Live On Your Own

While it may be convenient for you to live with your parents while you’re at university or while you’re working to save up enough money for your own place, you should at least experience what it is like to live on your own before you turn 30, whether you decide to rent an apartment or a house share, or decide to become a homeowner. For more information on real estate, click here.

Living on your own will give you the chance to figure out what you want from your life and the freedom to do all the things you can’t do while living under your parents’ roof. Living alone will give you the independence and privacy you should have as an adult.

If you have already been living on your own and want to move in your partner, then you’ll have to decide whether you want to live in the same town or move elsewhere. For example, if you live in Arizona, you may want to move to a larger city like Phoenix or a smaller one like Douglas. If you’d like more information on moving, click here.

Improve Your Health

Before you turn 30, you should start thinking about your health. While you may enjoy going on nights out with your friends, you’ll find that you won’t be able to recover from the hangovers as easily as you did in your late teens and 20s. You should get rid of bad habits, such as drinking and smoking, so that you can enjoy a healthier lifestyle in your 30s and later in life. You should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a night and drink less coffee and more water. Your metabolism will slow down with age, so you should cut down on sugary snacks, junk food, and takeout. While you’re in your 20s, you should start going to the gym or start exercising. You may even enjoy it so much, that you’ll want to make it your career. Click here for more information on a career in fitness.

Learn Something New

Learning doesn’t stop when you finish school. In fact, you should always be striving to learn something new every day. Learning doesn’t have to be boring. It can be as simple as starting a new hobby, trying a new sport, or looking at the exhibits in your local museum.

You can also set aside some time to learn life skills, such as cooking and doing laundry, or you could learn about budgeting, saving up, and filing tax returns. These are all things you should master by the time you turn 30.

However, if you are interested in academics, there are short courses you can take which last for a few weeks or you could also sign up for online courses. Alternatively, you could pursue full-time higher education. This could be useful if you want to advance in your career or if you want to change your profession.

While these things are on our list and are goals that a lot of people aspire to, it’s okay if your goals are different or if you want to take things slow and live your life day-by-day.

Image Credits: Alexandr Podvalny

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