5 Ways to Be Sustainable in the New Year

in Lifestyle

If there is something that needs our attention, it’s our planet. While one of us can’t change the world, if we all do our part to practice more sustainable habits, we can improve it. Here are a few ways you can be more sustainable in the new year:

Upgrade your home

A major area of your life where you can practice sustainability is in your home. This could mean making upgrades, such as looking into alternative energy systems and even getting some kind of financing designed for those making green upgrades.

Whether it’s updating your doors to conserve energy or installing a smart system to control your thermostat, there are plenty of ways to take on home improvements designed around living a more sustainable lifestyle.

Shop elsewhere

Instead of buying loads of packaged food at your local supermarket, consider buying from stores that offer goods that are not wrapped in plastic. Bring in your own containers and fill them up with what you need, whether it’s coffee, flour, grains, etc.

If you do have to buy packaged food and goods, look for food delivery options that are designed with sustainability and recyclability in mind, whether they’re manufactured with recycled materials or are biodegradable.

Grow your own produce

Person holding fresh produce

A lot of what you buy at the store, you could start making for yourself. Instead of buying packaged granola, prepare some granola at home. Instead of buying arugula in bags at the store, grow some arugula at home.

While it will take some practice to grow your own food and make space for a garden in your yard, it can be a great step in living a more sustainable life in the new year. In fact, you could even make your own natural shampoos and conditioners, which can go far in decreasing the amount of plastic waste you create throughout the year. Plus, natural hair products are typically better for your hair and the planet, as they lack chemicals found in most mainstream hair products.

Avoid fast fashion

It’s easy to buy new clothes at every turn. However, if there is something that has an impact on our planet, it’s fast fashion. Avoid wasting clothes by only buying what you need. Create a small closet where you reuse the same clothes for various outfits, so that you don’t have to fill up your closet with clothing that you never use.

If you need to buy new clothes, shop at thrift stores or online consignment stores. If you have old clothes that you will no longer use, donate to charities that could make great use of them.

Travel less

This one may be painful, as you may love to travel and, while there has been a lot less travel over the last year and half due to Covid-19, it’s slowly picking up again. Maybe you should get a trip or two in to scratch that itch, but consider flying across the globe less frequently to reduce your carbon footprint on our planet.

If you have to travel often for work, consider donating to carbon offset projects. This way, you’ll be doing what you can to help the environment, even if you may still have to take frequent flights for your livelihood.

In Conclusion

Because you care about the planet, you may be looking for ways to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. These tips can help you to start practicing sustainable habits that will be good for your life and, best of all, good for the planet. While it may mean investing in home upgrades or changing how you shop, if it means doing your part for the health of the earth, it’s worth it.

Image Credits: Noah Buscher, Adolfo Félix

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