6 Signs That You Need to Move to a Bigger Office

in Business

There are many signs that it’s time to move to a new office. Investing in a larger office is a big step, but can you really put a price on improved productivity? If you’re not sure whether it’s time to looking for a new location, here are 6 signs that you need to move to a bigger office.

It’s Getting Crowded

If your employees are sharing workstations and you’re finding it hard to cram more desks into your office to accommodate everyone, then you need a larger office. You and your employees shouldn’t be tripping over bags and scooting around seats just to get around. This could be a fire hazard or cause an injury. Another sign that your business has outgrown the office is that you’re outsourcing work to an SEO agency Toronto because you don’t have enough room for one more employee.

There Has Been a Drop in Productivity

A drop in productivity is the first sign that your employees aren’t satisfied with their working conditions. It can be hard working in an overcrowded office without stepping on each other’s toes. Working in a cramped space with others can lead to bickering among employees and make working together stressful.

It can be difficult for people to get their work done if they’re struggling to hear their clients while on the phone because there are too many people talking over each other. They may take longer to complete their work if they have to wait in a long queue to use the photocopier or if they’re waiting to use the microwave to heat up their lunch in the breakroom. Between struggling to get their work done properly and being distracted by other staff members, you’re sure to get employee complaints about the small work environment.

The Office No Longer Meets Your Needs

You’ll know that it’s time to move to a new office space when you realise that the office no longer meets your needs. You’ll start seeing people queueing to get in the breakroom at lunchtime or waiting to use the restroom. The office space will stop being suitable when there aren’t enough meeting rooms and people are struggling to have a private conversation about SEO Mississauga with a client. If you get to the point where you’re inviting clients out for business lunches just to avoid bringing them to a hectic office, then you need to start looking at larger offices.

Not Enough Storage Space

An office should have plenty of storage space so that everything can be neatly stored away in cupboards and filing cabinets. Your employees shouldn’t have files stacked up on their desks, overflowing filing cabinets, or supplies piled into the corner. A lack of organisation can lead to a further drop in productivity because your staff will spend more time searching through the clutter and chaos for the documents they need, rather than getting their work done. Clients won’t be happy when their confidential files get lost among the mess.

If you have a storage cupboard filled to the brim with office supplies and inventory, then things are more likely to get damaged. You also wouldn’t want a precariously balanced box of toner cartridges falling on top of an employee while they’re looking for printer paper in the cupboard.

You’re Expanding the Company

If your company is doing so well that you’re ready to expand, then you’ll need to search for a larger office to accommodate the growing number of employees. When you start looking for a new office, make sure there is enough space for your existing team and plan for growth. Once you’ve found the perfect pace, you can hire Las Vegas movers to make the move less stressful.

Your Lease Is About to Expire

The best time to look for a larger office is when your lease is about to expire. Don’t put it off until a week before the lease is up. Give yourself plenty of time to decide whether this is the right choice for you.

If you do decide to look into a bigger office space, you can choose one in a better location and with all the amenities to suit your needs. When viewing new office spaces, make sure there are enough desks, meeting rooms, and a large breakroom.

Image Credits: Antoni Shkraba

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