Can Using iPads At Events Help You Sign Up More Customers?

in Software

When you bring your business to a special event, your goal is to promote what you do and what you have to offer in an effort to gain even more paying customers in the long run. While there are many strategies that you can employ to do just that, many companies are now incorporating the use of iPads in their exhibition booths as well.

Can using iPads at events really help you when it comes to signing up more customers? Continue reading to learn more.

Attract Tech Savvy Customers

Modern customers are in search of tech savvy companies because they want to know that they are really getting value for their money. With a simple iPad at your event booth, you can prove that you are ahead of the curve when it comes to the use of technology within your organisation. And with products like those from, you can present your iPad within a tablet enclosure so that it will easily be noticed by those who come by your exhibition stand, whilst remaining secure.

Engage More Visitors Overall

Animated digital signs that are a feature of some of the most popular email collection apps available for iPads are yet another way to grab the attention of more people at your next business event or trade show. In fact, visitors tend to visit the booths of businesses that feature iPads, simply to see what it is all about. And once at a booth, visitors are more likely to remain engaged with what the business is promoting, especially if you are offering entry into a contest for a free giveaway via your iPad app as well.

Collect More Email Addresses

Once you have chosen the right app for collecting emails, you can use your iPad to collect higher numbers of emails than ever before. Many companies that make the switch from traditional paper and pen signup sheets to iPad app signups find that more people are willing to give their email addresses. Ultimately, people seem to like interacting with an iPad, so the novelty of signing up for an email list on an iPad is likely to generate more interest and result in more signups than you had in the past. This means that you can then contact even more people during your follow-up tasks.

Use the Right App for the Best Results

There are several different email signup apps that you use on your iPad while you are at your next event. Choosing the right one will help ensure your success, as it will attract people and make it easy for them to sign up for more information about your products and services. There are many apps to choose from, but some of the best include Leadsie, iCapture, QuickTapSurvey, and iLeads.

So the next time you are preparing for a big event during which you will be promoting your company and hoping to gather email addresses from potential customers, make sure you include your iPad as part of your display, and actually utilise it to collect email addresses more effectively.


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