Getting Your Home in Order for the Summer

in Home Improvement

Our homes are something to be proud of, however, we can all get complacent at certain times of the year where we just feel like things mount up in the home. Clutter starts to accumulate, the cleaning gets put to the back of your mind, and then you get to the stage where you just don’t want to invite people around. However, summer is here and with that comes the weekends of friends and family, BBQs and socialising, so you may want to get your home in order. With that in mind, here are some suggestions to help you do it.

Start with decluttering

One of the first things that you can do is start decluttering your home. Clutter can mount up in all kinds of ways. It might be unread books on the side, magazines and newspapers you are trying to get round to reading. Paperwork and bills piled high, pictures and ornaments that you just don’t know what to do with. You get the idea. Now is the ideal time to start redesigning your home and you need a blank canvas to do it. There are many ways you can declutter. You can spend just five minutes a day or focus on one room at a time. The idea is that you only keep things you want, love or need. Anything else can be sold online, disposed of properly, donated, or stored away properly for the future.

Deep cleans and keeping on top of it

When was the last time that you gave your home a deep clean? Possibly not for a while. Now is the perfect time to do it. However, not everyone is a big fan of cleaning, so you may want to call in professionals such as Houseproud Cleaning to get things going for you. You can then decide if it is worth keeping up with regular cleans from them, or whether once the deep clean is done it is easier for you to maintain. Just doing this can make a huge difference to how your home looks.

Redecorate for a fresh new look

The next thing you may want to think about doing is redecorating your home. It doesn’t have to be anything too extreme, and you can even stick with the same colours and just give your home a fresh coat of paint. However, changing a few things such as adding a feature wall or changing the colour scheme could give your home a new lease of life and inspire you to keep things looking tidy and styled.

Tidy up the garden areas

Finally, tidying the garden is definitely going to be something that you can consider doing as summer often means spending time outside. It could be that you jet wash your patio or decked areas, weeding the flowerbeds and maintaining the lawn. Tidying toys away and garden tools can also make a big difference.

Let’s hope this has given you some ideas on how you can get your home in order ready for the summer.

Image Credits: Jill Wellington

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