The Best Apps that use Augmented and Virtual Reality

in Software

As technology advances further and further, consumers are beginning to be more and more mesmerised by what technology can achieve. Video gaming and social media have shown great advancements, but arguably the greatest advance has come in the form of augmented and virtual reality.

Mix this new technology with mobile apps and you’re more than likely to have produced the next big thing. An app that is not only clever, but incredibly useful to consumers and one that can be carried around in their pocket and used when necessary. Here we take a look at some of the best mobile apps that are using augmented and virtual reality.


There is nothing worse than bringing home a sofa or table, setting it all up and realising that it won’t fit in the space that you were going to put it in. Equally worse, you bring a sofa home and it doesn’t work with the rest of the furniture. Who wants the hassle of returning the thing?

The biggest name in the flat-pack furniture world, IKEA has brought out its own augmented reality app to help solve this issue. Released in late 2017, IKEA Place allows users to browse through more than 2,000 items in IKEA’s catalogue and ‘place’ them in the space they had in mind for the piece of furniture.

It is an incredible app that is sure to prevent decorating mishaps in the future.


It was last year that Zara released an augmented reality app that worked in 120 of their flagship stores. The shop windows of these stores may appear empty, but if you hold up your smartphone with the app installed, the models in the shop windows will appear.

Not only that, but on certain podiums in the store, the clothing will be brought to life by models Léa Julian and Fran Summer for clips lasting between seven and 12 seconds. The models pose and even talk during the clips, which makes the app even more realistic.

The final touch to the app is that if you like any of the looks in store, then a simple click of a button can allow you to order it to your home address or buy it at your local store.

Pokémon Go

It’s not as helpful as the other apps on this list, but Pokémon Go is one of the most popular apps worldwide. With over 100 million downloads globally, the app takes the classic game to a new level. It uses both augmented reality and virtual reality technology in the game – and players have the option to choose which they’d prefer.

When trying to catch a nearby Pokémon, a player can choose whether that Pokémon appears in the virtual world or the augmented world. In the virtual world, the Pokémon is found in a more traditional setting to the game, surrounded by virtual grass. In the augmented world, that Pokémon could be right in front of your TV or stood right next to your dinner on the dining room table.

Without a doubt, it’s one of the most fun apps that uses the technology and is a great update on the classic games.

The Future

These technologies are still in their infancy and there is plenty more to come from them. The gambling industry is forever adapting and changing and adopting new technologies. Many bookmakers have already introduced live casino elements to their sites, allowing players to feel like they’re in a casino, as they are interacting with a real dealer.

The next step for them is likely to be virtual casinos, which could allow players to customise the surroundings they are in to make it more appealing for them. Such technology could see more people introduced to online casinos and it could be in a virtual casino that you win your next jackpot.

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