Top Reasons to Send Out Construction Christmas Cards

in Business

Not all of us are fond of writing and sending cards, but we still have to, especially if we are involved in any kind of business. And whether we like it or not, we have this ongoing tradition of sending out Christmas cards that has been integrated in our yearly festive celebrations. And it is a ritual which is not going away anytime soon.

One aspect of business is that we also have to send out construction Christmas cards to our existing and prospective clients. The holiday season is the perfect time to thank clients for their patronage to your business and provides you with the opportunity to be known by potential customers. Your business will surely benefit even with this simple, cheap, low-risk gesture, and it is a highly-rewarding way to prove to your clients that you value them and truly care for them.

Listed below are the top reasons why every entrepreneur should send out construction Christmas cards to their clients and also some tips on how to make your card stand out amongst others.

Letting everybody know that your business exists

Sending out construction Christmas cards tend to work very much like a newsletter at the most fundamental level – it is an indirect, yet perfect, way to sneak up on the client’s radar without seeming to be very pushy. It is also a very convenient way to have former clients notice you again.

Businesses also begin to think about establishing new goals and creating new projects during the New Year so it is the best time of the year to make your business known again to them so that they will be able to consider to associate with your business.

Shows clients that you are real people

Having personal, professional relationships with your business associates proves to be the best to maintain a great business relationship. One of the simplest and easiest ways to remind your clients and prove to them that you have this kind of relationship is by sending them a personalized Christmas card.

Do not just send the same plain, generic message to each and every one of your clients. You could include a hand written note to your most significant clients, remind them of a joke that the two of you shared, or you could also wish them all the best with the specific endeavour they had mentioned while you were working together. These kinds of personalized messages will show your clients that you are not mass-sending your cards and that you really thought of them while you were writing it.

Shows clients that you care and value them

You can easily buy Christmas cards in bulk at a budget shop, but it would not have the same effect as sending a high-quality card to your clients. Sending out elegant and professionally made cards, with the branding and logo of your business integrated on it, will show your clients that they are worthy of the thought, effort and money.

This will also show your new customers and potential clients that you are indeed a business which is already established in your field with a budget allocated to spend on the cards, and that you are quite serious when it comes to the quality of everything that you do.

“Psychological Debt”

It might seem irrelevant, but each and every Christmas card is considered to be a gift. It is an expression of gratitude and a token of your growing business relationship with your clients.

We always have this feeling of indebtedness to someone who gave us something. On a psychological level, clients will have the feeling of obligation to reciprocate the gift that you sent them, even if they do not consciously realize it. This could be really beneficial for your business because clients will more likely to consider you as a future business associate or they will be much more receptive to your emails or flyers.

One simple construction Christmas card could be just the spark that you need to ignite a prosperous business in the new year, so do not disregard the chance to get to the good side of your former or potential clientele.

Your rivals are also doing it

Making and selling greeting cards is a billion-dollar industry. This means that a lot of people are sending cards, personally and for business. This could also mean that your business competitors who value their clients dearly are already planning and preparing for their seasonal marketing campaign using construction Christmas cards.

With a lot of your business competitors also sending Christmas cards to their clients yearly, figuring out ways to differentiate yourself and be unique will really help. Make sure your cards will stand out by using high quality cards, with an image and a message that will really get your client’s attention. You can print out your team’s funny photos, or you could write down clever or unusual messages.

Another easy way to get your card noticed is sending it at the perfect time. The rule of thumb when sending out cards is to mail it not later than the second week of December. This is to make sure that your client will get it just in time for the holidays. You could also opt to skip sending Christmas cards and instead send out cards to wish your clients well for the New Year. This way, your card will not be drowned out by a flood of other Christmas cards.

Sending out construction Christmas cards is a great opportunity for your construction business to strengthen business relationships with your clients and to be noticed at such a crucial time. So, if you are planning to send out cards as a part of your seasonal marketing strategy, you must do it right.

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