Top Tips for Moving to a Warmer Climate

in Lifestyle

There are so many advantages of moving to a warmer climate, that it’s no wonder people are moving all the time. If you’re tired of living somewhere cold, and want to move to a warmer climate, read this article to check out the following tips.

Enjoy the Outdoors

Living somewhere with a warmer climate means that you can spend more time outdoors enjoying the nice weather. Instead of staying cooped up indoors, go out for a walk every day and soak up some Vitamin D.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

While you may enjoy spending time in the sun, you should take precautions to protect yourself from the UV rays and to avoid sunburn. Always use a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 when you go out and read the bottle so you’ll know how often to reapply it. You should also bring sunglasses and a hat with you to shield your eyes from the sun. Unlike living somewhere with colder weather, you should avoid going out in the afternoons, which will be the hottest part of the day. You should also make sure you carry plenty of water with you and remember to drink it regularly so you don’t suffer from dehydration.

Dress Appropriately

You should also think about the clothes you wear. For particularly warm weather, go for clothes that are lightweight and made from a breathable fabric. You should also wear something with lighter colours to reflect the sun. And while it may seem counterintuitive to wear long sleeves in hot weather, a long-sleeve shirt will protect your arms from getting sunburnt. You should also keep a few cardigans and hoodies around for when the weather gets cooler during the winter season. Just because you’re moving to a warmer climate doesn’t mean you should get rid of all your coats and jumpers. Keep any winter clothing packed away in case you plan to take a holiday somewhere with colder weather.

Look After Your Allergies

Moving to a hotter climate means you’re most likely moving to somewhere with a higher pollen count, which could cause hay fever and aggravate your asthma. Talk to your GP about what you can do to combat your allergies and hay fever, and take antihistamines every day. You can also keep your hay fever and asthma under control at home by keeping the windows shut to prevent the pollen from coming in.

Keep Your Home Cool

Keeping your home cool when you live in a warm place is important, especially if you want to feel comfortable. While installing blackout blinds and insulating your home might be something you’d associate with keeping your house warm in the winter, it can also keep your home cool during hot weather. If you don’t suffer from hay fever, then keep your windows open during the mornings and evenings (the coolest parts of the day) to let the air circulate throughout your home. You should also invest in a good energy-efficient air conditioning system and a few fans to keep your home cool. Bear in mind that when you live in a warmer climate, you’ll end up spending more money on energy bills trying to cool your home than trying to heat it. Another thing you could do to keep your home cool is hanging laundry to dry instead of using the dryer. Try to use the cooker less often. This is a good excuse to make plenty of salads and to light up the barbeque outside.

Take Out the Garbage

One thing you may not think of is how your garbage will smell. Your trash can begin to smell bad, especially if it’s been sat out in the heat all day. Look up the best best MSW Odor Control service in your area to reduce the smell.

Peep Your Pets Cool

Don’t forget that moving your pets to a warmer climate will affect them too. You need to make sure that they have plenty of water and somewhere to relax in the shade so they don’t get heatstroke. Dogs can be especially vulnerable to hot weather since they spend a lot of time outside, instead of in an airconditioned home. Make sure you don’t let them out at the hottest part of the day and check that the pavement isn’t too hot for them to walk on when you take them out for walks. You should also put some pet-safe sunscreen on the areas of their bodies that are exposed, such as their ears. Keep an eye on their behaviour, and if you notice any unusual behaviour or symptoms of heatstroke or dehydration, contact their vet straight away. You can also talk to your vet if you want some more advice on keeping your pets cool in hot weather.

If you’ve been thinking about moving to a warmer climate, but haven’t made a decision yet, you should start by looking for the perfect home. For example, if you’re thinking of moving to Canada, you can look up “Port Credit houses for sale” online. Click here for some advice on what you should do before you move house.

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