Twitter Announce New Photo Sharing And Search Tools

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Here at Previous, we like to keep you guys updated on all the things that we think you’d appreciate to know, and this one is a very important update about our favourite social network; Twitter. Twitter used the All Things D conference to make an announcement that is bound to excite Twitter users everywhere; Native photo sharing and new search tools.

But I thought Twitter Photo Sharing was already available?

Photo sharing on Twitter has long been available through many third party applications such as Twitpic, Yfrog etc. via the Twitter API system, but now it would seem that Twitter has it’s simplicity cap on and would like to share it with it’s users. The new Twitter Photo Sharing tool would make it so that you can simply upload a photo and attach it to a tweet, much like the service available through mobile apps such as Twitter for iPhone and even for desktop applications like TweetDeck, thus making the new Twitter even more sleek.

Of course this announcement isn’t exactly great news for all parties; The new photo sharing feature could torpedo the other companies that Twitter have relied on in the past to make it a key feature in many peoples online lives.

The announcement was made during an interview with co-host Walt Mossberg, in which Mossberg asked Chief Executive Dick Costolo how Yfrog, TwitPic and others will react, Costolo said he’d encourage them to keep developing their services and “continue to move up the value chain.” He then added “There’s going to be overlap in any platform where you have a thoroughly open API”.

With all of the controversy surrounding third party photo sharing services it’s no surprise that Twitter has announced this at such a time when it is most needed, and hopefully it will restore some faith in many users.

Twitter is ‘growing like a weed’ according to Chief Executive Costolo

According to Costolo Twitter is still growing rapidly despite all of the press it’s been getting lately, which we’re more than happy to hear! Costolo stated that not even Twitter themselves can keep on top of how many tweets and users there are, adding that although it used to take almost a year to reach one billion tweets, that level of tweets can now be reached within a mere six days.

And with the plans to switch to New Twitter permanently coming soon I can only see Twitter continuing to grow.

So what about these new Twitter search tools?

Although you are already able to search Twitter, they’ve announced that the new search tool is intended to make your searching experience a whole lot easier with more relevant results including that of photos, subjects and even trending topics. Now with one billion tweets being made in or around six days, that’s really going to come in handy.

You can see the video that Twitter used to demonstrate their announcement below.

Why not let us know what you think about Twitter’s announcement in the comments below?

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Hammy Havoc
Hammy Havoc
13 years ago

I hope that Twitter allows you to keep the rights to your photographs and releases an adequate API system so that I can put the gallery on my own site, complete with tweeted responses like Blackbird Pie can allow to some degree. Embeddable tweets are very useful.

