What You Should Know about Magento 2

in Software

Magento is one of the world’s most popular open-source e-commerce platforms, and now Magento 2 is here to offer users an even better experience. Magento 2 was released in 2015, following the initial release of Magento in 2008. If you are not familiar with Magento 2 or you aren’t sure if it’s for you, then read on for more information.

Migrating to Magento 2

If you haven’t already, then you should consider migrating to Magento 2. GoMage offers migration from Magento 1 to Magento 2, as Magento no longer provides support or updates for Magento 1. The data migration to the newer version of Magento can be done in 10 simple steps. If you are looking for a better eCommerce solution or want to migrate your website to Magento 2, check out https://www.gomage.com/magento-2-migration/ for more information.

Magento 2 Editions

Before you decide to migrate to Magento 2, you will need to decide which edition will fulfill your needs.

Magento 2 Open Source edition is popular with smaller businesses as it is free to use and it can be self-hosted. There are certain features available in the Magento Commerce 2 edition that are missing in Magento 1, such as customer loyalty tools and advanced marketing tools.

The Magento 2 Commerce edition is the enterprise version which is used by larger businesses.

If you decide to use Magento 2 Commerce or Magento 2 Open Source, you can get technical support from a Magento development vendor, like GoMage.

Why Use Magento 2 for Your Business?

There are many reasons why you should use Magento 2, such as the improved interface, the quicker loading times, the upgraded 2-step checkout process, and the easy integration with extensions and with third-party services and extensions. Sites that use Magento 2 also have better security, are have improved functionality, and mobile-friendly. You can take mobile-friendliness to a new level by integrating Magento Progressive Web Apps (PWAs).

If you need help with using Magento 2, you should connect with a development agency like GoMage, which offers web design, development and optimization, as well as the development of PWAs.

What Extensions Are There?

Many Magento partners have created extensions to improve Magento 2 by expanding its capabilities and enhancing its functionality to create an entirely new user experience. These extensions will be particularly useful to those who are lacking specific features while using Magento 2 Open Source.

Examples of these extensions are the GoMage Feed Pro M2 for Magento 2, which allows you to easily upload product data to multiple shopping engines to help you boost your online presence and sales; GoMage Advanced Navigation for Magento 2, which provides you with customizable filters for your online store; and GoMage LightCheckout for Magento 2, which enables one-step checkout.

Image Credits: Andrea Piacquadio

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