Why British Online Casinos Are Expanding in Asia

in Business

The British casino market is saturated to the point where the competition is too fierce. Casinos have to spend a lot of money on marketing to attract new players and the bonus offers have to be extremely good.

Therefore, new casino operators are not interested in the British gambling industry or they open up to find low player numbers. There are huge established online casinos with loyal players, which means there is a smaller slice of the pie for new operators.

In this article, you’ll learn why Asia is becoming an increasingly better business proposition for British online casinos. Don’t be surprised that many British casino operators will also offer their games in Asian countries in a few years.

Advantages of expanding in Asia

Many British casinos are expanding. With so many advantages, it makes sense to expand and here are some of the top ones:

  • More customers: It’s hard to fight for new customers when most people in Britain already know about casino gambling. You have to make people leave other casinos, which is not always easy to do. In Asia you can find players that don’t know much about online casinos and would be willing to give your one a try.
  • Better profitability: the reduced need for marketing spend in Asian countries means that operators can improve their profitability. For example, it might cost double the marketing cost to find new players in Britain, so it makes sense to spend marketing money in Asia.
  • Be the first: Asia is currently an untapped online casino market full of opportunity. However, that might change in a few years. Therefore, the first online casino companies that start operations might win the most loyalty in the long-term. The race is on to see what online casino brands can start offering games.

These are just a few of the basic advantages of expanding in Asia for British casino operators. There are many more that makes the decision to expand an easy choice.

Japan will become legal

During the course of this decade Japan plans to legalize casinos and brands with websites such as MrGreen are interested in this change. They want to be one of the first operators to take advantage of the new market.

Japan has a great gaming culture and they may also love to play casino games too. Once the floodgates open and the marketplace opens up you’ll see many local British operators move into the region.

Once online gambling becomes legal in Japan, then other Asian countries might follow and do the same. It may create a domino effect where many countries become legal in a short span of time, which provides a lot of new opportunities for operators such as MrGreen. They want to stop tax-free games so they can generate revenue for the country.

Operators will need to study the market

It’s clear that new opportunities will be available in Asian countries, but the audience is totally different. Therefore, games that are popular in Britain may not have the same popularity in Asian markets.

Online casino companies will need to study their markets to understand what the customer wants. For example, anime themed slot games might be the most popular in Japan. Also, roulette may have a better popularity than blackjack.

Nowadays, there are many tools to track performance so the casino operators can quickly figure out how to tackle the Asian markets to offer the best games. This will increase the popularity of casino games in general and the gambling industry might explode quickly.

Final thoughts

According to Ginji Morita, the gambling industry around the world is constantly changing and in Asia that is taking place too. British casino websites are looking forward to the legal changes in Asian countries where they can begin to offer games.

Countries are motivated to accept casino websites because it provides another source of tax revenue. Therefore, it makes sense to allow people to play casino games and operators such as MrGreen will be one of the first to start offering games.

Image Credits: Toni Reed

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