Why Hiring a Personal Trainer Makes Total Sense

in Fitness

We all know the routine, you get inspired to regain that honed physique and after a couple of weeks, your resolve vanishes and that’s the end of that. This is something many people experience, and one of the main causes is the pain it takes to reach your fitness goals, which can make you find all kinds of reasons to put off the training session.

Hiring a personal trainer is not merely a trend for the wealthy and here are a few reasons people hire fitness professionals when they want to get fit.

  • Goal setting – It is important to set short and long term fitness goals when embarking on a regime and the personal trainer helps you do just that. First, the fitness pro assesses your current physical condition and if you have no health issues, goals are set and timelines drawn up; it might be a 6-month program during which time, you lose a few kgs and enjoy a high level of fitness. If, for example, you have had a couple of years of physical inactivity and would like to gradually regain your previous fitness level, the personal trainer can create a suitable plan that takes you where you want to be.
  • Forge a strong bond – When you engage in personal training in Bangkok, it is crucial for the PT to forge a bond with you; indeed, part of their training is dedicated to relationship development. Once you do have a good working relationship, you will have extra motivation to smash through that pain barrier, with your training buddy edging you on when the going gets tough. When you’re on the last set of reps, the PT will push you to do an extra few and then one more, which pushes your limits and enables muscle building. Letting down your training partner simply isn’t an option and any thoughts of dropping out vanish when you think of that awful feeling when you fail to make the commitment. Of course, once your sessions are over, you can utilise the new knowledge by setting your own fitness goals for the future, as part of personal training is to educate the client about their body, along with techniques to reduce the risk of injury.
  • Dietary needs – Any person who is planning to embark on a serious fitness regime would have to change their diet and that’s one area the PT comes into their own. You are given a weekly diet plan, which you should stick to and this gives you the extra protein, vitamins and minerals that your body needs at this time. Protein is especially important when looking to build muscle and your PT would recommend that you drink protein shakes on a daily basis. Click here for ways to make fitness fun.
  • Structured fitness development – The fitness professional creates a structured fitness development plan that takes you where you want to be in a safe and effective way. There is always a timeline, which is set according to your schedule and progress is charted. Some say all you need is the desire and the personal trainer does the rest, which may well be true. You and the PT sit down and discuss where you want to be in terms of physical fitness and set goals with timelines. If a person hasn’t been active for a while, they might need a couple of warm=up sessions, when they gradually build up the intensity of the workout.
  • Achieve your fitness goals – Hiring a personal trainer pretty much guarantees that you will smash your fitness goals and that is why so many people decide to engage the services of a local personal trainer. You can either go to a gym or contact a freelance personal trainer on Facebook and take the first step to achieving your fitness goals.

The Thai government encourages fitness in all forms and it is very easy to source a local personal trainer, whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or prepare for a Marathon, the fitness professional has all the solutions.

Image Credits: Victor Freitas

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