How to Create a Soothing Ambience in your Home

in Home Improvement

Our home is the place where we look to rest and relax after a hard day at work and our private living quarters offer a chance to recharge the batteries, ready for another shift tomorrow. With a little imagination and some effort, there are many ways that you can change the ambience in a positive manner.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Soft Pastel Colours – Research tells us that soft pastel colours elevate the mood, while neutral shades are easy on the eye. Avoid bright colours, especially in the living room and bedrooms, where you want a relaxing colour combination, light browns and beiges work well with fawn yellow and shades of blue and green are warm and inviting. Google Images can show you some stunning examples of soothing colour groups and let’s not forget you can order paint in any colour, thanks to hi-tech mixing. A minimalist design makes for a relaxing ambience and takes your time when choosing colour combinations for the interior, ensuring that you get it right. Textured surfaces are easy on the eye and buying quality paint will ensure your décor stands the test of time.
  • Indoor Plants – A great way to create a connection with nature is to select several species of tropical plant that thrive in an indoor environment; there are health benefits to adding a few plants to your décor and the natural greenery helps to create a warm and soothing ambience. If caring for plants is not your thing, there are amazing artificial plants that look just like the real thing and aside from wiping down the leaves now and then, no care is required. Climbing plants can be trained to complement your décor; check out the online resources about climbing and hanging plants.
  • Soothing Scent – Check out the online candle shop for a wide range of scented candles, with aromas such as pine forest and sandalwood and these hand-crafted products are delivered to your door, which is often included in the price. Incense sticks are another great way to change the smell of a location and they can also be ordered from the online supplier. A few scented candles will bring a warm glow to those winter evenings, while removing any unpleasant odours.
  • Background Music – If you have yet to invest in a home theatre system, perhaps now is the time to place a few speakers around the home and you can play soothing playlists when you want to relax. A little instrumental music for a few hours in the evening, with the volume and lights on low, will help you to get into relaxation mode, while essential oils are another great addition to a calm and serene living environment. Click here for further reading on how to make your home a pleasant place to live.
  • Floor Level Lighting – The latest generation of LED floor fittings are chic and with dull finishes, a few around the home will provide the illumination you need for a serene ambience. The Internet hosts a wealth of information on lighting and finding an online light supplier is a breeze. LED light fittings come in a wide range of designs and let’s not forget the many shades that are available.
  • Keep Things Tidy – An uncluttered home is not conducive to calmness and serenity and getting into a cleaning routine will ensure that your home is ready for unexpected visitors. Once a year you need a deep clean, when you move most of the furniture and dust from the ceiling down, finishing with deep-cleaned carpets. It is easy to become lazy, especially when you are spending most of your time indoors and getting up 30 minutes earlier will give you the time to tidy up.

Taking up yoga would be a great idea, as this introduces meditation, something that is very beneficial, especially if you are under stress due to the repeated lockdowns that we have seen here in Australia. While we can’t change what’s happening outside, we can make the effort to create a soothing and relaxing living environment.

Image Credits: vistawei

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